Promotion of Japanese investment and technology to continue
06 December 2022

VIENNA – The Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo) will be extended for a further six years following an agreement signed today by UNIDO Director General Gerd Müller and Japan’s Ambassador to the International Organizations in Vienna, Takeshi Hikihara.
The UNIDO ITPO Tokyo was established in March 1981, the first such office of its kind. Today it is one of nine offices worldwide constituting UNIDO’s ITPO Network.
The Office works to help developing countries in their efforts to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic development by promoting foreign direct investment and technology transfer from Japan through various activities including delegate programmes, identifying and promoting Japanese energy and environment technologies, and organizing seminars, events, business missions and networking.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Director General Müller hailed the success of the ITPO Tokyo and expressed his appreciation of the strong and long-standing support for the office from the Government of Japan, particularly through the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).
In 2020, the Government of Japan responded quickly to help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic through the MOFA-funded Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP), implemented by the ITPO Tokyo, promotes technologies focusing on energy, the environment, agribusiness, human health and disaster management.
The ITPO Tokyo will continue to facilitate partnerships between Japanese businesses and local businesses in partner countries, with a focus on Africa. It will promote carbon-neutral activities and Fourth Industrial Revolution-related initiatives and opportunities, including Artificial Intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things, as well as new manufacturing strategies.
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