Policymaking Organs
Sessions of the Policymaking Organs of UNIDO (the General Conference and the Industrial Development Board) and their Committees and Working Groups (Programme and Budget Committee) are organized and serviced by the Division of the Policymaking Organs. It ensures that these entities effectively perform their statutory responsibilities and their other functions efficiently and effectively.
The General Conference convenes once every two years to determine the guiding principles and policies of the Organization and to approve the budget and work programme of UNIDO.
The Industrial Development Board meets once a year to review the implementation of the work programme, and the regular and operational budgets, and makes recommendations to the General Conference on policy matters, including the appointment of the Director General.
The Programme and Budget Committee is a subsidiary organ of the Industrial Development Board and meets once a year to assist the Board in the preparation and examination of the programme of work, the regular and operational budgets of the Organization and other financial matters pertaining to UNIDO.