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UNIDO Publications


Circular Economy for Industrial Development in Ukraine: Baseline Study

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

Ukraine, a middle-income country, is currently embroiled in a state of war, significantly disrupting its economy and causing a substantial decline in labour force participation across various sectors. The concept of a circular economy in Ukraine has gained traction, largely influenced by European frameworks like the European Green Deal. This report explores in which sectors circular economy strategies can best be leveraged in Ukraine. The Manufacturing sector, and particularly subsectors like Food and beverages, Electrical and machinery, and Metal products, is the top priority for implementing circular economy solutions. The strategies proposed for Ukraine encompass a wide range of initiatives aimed at optimising resource use, promoting renewable energy, extending product lifetimes, and repurposing waste streams.

Exploratory Strategic Foresight for Circular Economy in Ukraine Final Report: Towards the Circular Economy Ukraine

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

This Final Report brings together the results from each of the four stages of the project ‘Exploratory Strategic Foresight for Circular Economy in Ukraine’:  scoping, scenarios, visions and pathways. It presents an outline of the potential visions and opportunities for a CE-Ukraine, within the current uncertainties, with practical pathways to achieve them. 

UNIDO green industrial recovery programme for Ukraine 2024-2028

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

The green industrial recovery programme for Ukraine 2024-2028 is a strategic framework of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to support the response of the Government of Ukraine to the socioeconomic impact of the war in Ukraine, which started on 24 February 2022. The programme sets out a strategic vision for a multi-stakeholder and cross-dimensional partnership to create a transformative and resilient recovery of Ukraine’s industry and foster sustainable industrial development.

Industrial Diagnostic Study for Ukraine: Executive Summary

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

Ukraine’s industrial production is facing profound challenges, preceded by a series of shocks that have had an impact on the growth rate of the country’s gross domestic product and industrial production over the last 15 years. Comprehensive industrial country diagnostics have been conducted to chart a strategic path for Ukraine’s future industrialization and green industrial recovery. This assessment builds on the existing policies of the Government of Ukraine and the Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine Plan of the European Union. It addresses challenges and offers solutions aimed at promoting economic growth, rebuilding and modernizing the country’s economic system and fostering deeper integration with the European Union to facilitate recovery, reconstruction and reform at all levels.

Green industrial recovery programme for Ukraine: Gender analysis

2024  |  Author(s): Y. Halustian

The main objective of this publication is to provide an analytical basis for the gender-transformative implementation of the UNIDO green industrial recovery programme for Ukraine 2024-2028. The document assesses and analyses gender-related differences in the industrial sector and the business sector of Ukraine regarding differential gender roles, responsibilities and representation. This includes the gendered division of labour, access to and control of resources and technologies, as well as opportunities and constraints related to women’s participation in industry and the economy.

Mapping the use of artificial intelligence in priority sectors and the competitiveness of Ukraine

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

In 2024, UNIDO launched the green industrial recovery programme for Ukraine 2024-2028 to support the response of the Government of Ukraine to the socioeconomic impact of the war. As part of the preparatory phase undertaken in 2023-2024 and supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, UNIDO undertook a joint study with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) on the mapping of the use of artificial intelligence for priority sectors and competitiveness of Ukraine to support the implementation of the state programme for the use of artificial intelligence technologies in priority sectors of the economy for the period until 2026 by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine.

Industrial Diagnostic Study for Ukraine

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

Ukraine’s industrial production is facing profound challenges, preceded by a series of shocks that have had an impact on the growth rate of the country’s gross domestic product and industrial production over the last 15 years. Comprehensive industrial country diagnostics have been conducted to chart a strategic path for Ukraine’s future industrialization and green industrial recovery. This assessment builds on the existing policies of the Government of Ukraine and the Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine Plan of the European Union. It addresses challenges and offers solutions aimed at promoting economic growth, rebuilding and modernizing the country’s economic system and fostering deeper integration with the European Union to facilitate recovery, reconstruction and reform at all levels.

Circular Economy, Pollution and Chemicals

2024  |  Author(s): GACERE

#GACERE   #Circular economy

The paper describes the current impacts of pollution on people, economies, and ecosystems. It outlines existing circular policy instruments on pollution and chemicals, and presents the benefits of circular economy in minimizing and preventing chemical, water, soil and air pollution, with examples of sectoral applications.

IID Policy Brief 10: Navigating challenges: Policy solutions for Ukrainian firms on the road to recovery

2024  |  Author(s): U. Korwatanasakul, N. Cantore, N. Haraguchi, S. Sicars, N. Takahashi, P. Sobolievskyi, A. Dligach

#Policy Brief

The armed conflict has had a profound impact on Ukraine’s economic landscape, leading to significant declines in both economic growth and industrial production. While existing government support addresses firms’ immediate needs, a notable gap is evident between the support being received by firms and the support they need. To bridge this policy gap and enhance financial resources and technological capabilities across all levels, government agencies must bolster coordination to mobilize and efficiently allocate fiscal resources for expanding support coverage.

IID Policy Brief 11: Unlocking the industrial potential of African LDCs: Bridging the gap for sustainable development

2024  |  Author(s): N. Haraguchi & M. Sanfilippo

#Policy Brief

The industrialization gap between African and Asian LDCs has increased considerably in the last 20 years, with Asian LDCs’ MVA per capita growing threefold compared to that of African LDCs between 2000 and 2022. African LDCs’ weak institutions, low competitiveness and limited global integration hamper their untapped potential for industrial growth. Tailored industrial policies that prioritize infrastructure, clean technologies and youth employment can bridge this gap and help African LDCs achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Circular Economy and Solid Waste

2024  |  Author(s): GACERE

#GACERE   #Circular economy

The purpose of the paper is to show how the transition to a circular economy can support governments’ efforts to deal with the challenges that solid wastes pose to countries’ sustainable development as well as to reduce their impact on the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

The impact of the war on industrial sectors in Ukraine

2024  |  Author(s): Yohannes Ayele, Upalat Korwatanasakul, Nicola Cantore

The war in Ukraine has had dramatic impacts on industrial production and the country's economy. The significant drop in most economic indicators calls for monumental challenges for policymakers to generate resilience and mitigate the adverse impacts. Despite the great attention of the media, current studies and policy debate have not focused in detail on the economic impact on Ukraine and even less on the consequences for the national industrial system. The present study fills the gap by using national and international data to study the impact of the war on Ukraine's manufacturing sector.

Analysis of industrial production and exports of goods from Ukraine and its regions, 2013-2022

2024  |  Author(s): Viktoriia Khaustova, Upalat Korwatanasakul, Nicola Cantore

Ukraine is experiencing a conflict that significantly impacts economic growth and the industrial system. Despite the dramatic impact, the literature offering an overview of Ukraine's economic impact is still scant. World Bank (2024) estimates that as of 31 December 2023, the total cost of reconstruction and recovery in Ukraine will be $486 billion over the next decade, up from $411 billion estimated one year ago. Haddad et al. (2023) point out that the damage to physical infrastructure and supply chain disruption will likely propagate to other parts of the country through economic interlinkages represented by a regional input-output model. Landesmann et al. (2023) point out that for Ukraine, “it is reasonable to assume that the costs of economic recovery will be dramatic” and that “Ukraine will need assistance in the forms of grants from the West.” This analytical note offers an original contribution to the debate in three directions: 1) it offers a description of the Ukraine economy through original data from the Ukraine Statistics Agency 2) it provides an overview of the economic impact for Ukraine by considering not only the 2022 full-scale invasion but a broader overview on multiple shocks that happened over time 3) it analyzes specifically industry related matters.

Environmental and socioeconomic consequences of the war and the green industrial recovery programme in Ukraine: Evidence from NICE

2024  |  Author(s): Giovanni Marin, Elena Paglialunga

This work analyzes the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the war and the green recovery
program in the context of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. It discusses the methodology and results of an analysis of the environmental and socio-economic implications of the war and the planned Recovery Programme in Ukraine, relying on the UNIDO National Impacts of Circular Economy (NICE) tool. In the context of the ongoing war, the scope of the NICE tool utilization is broadened to investigate the impact of the war on economic, social and environmental indicators and perspectives for Ukraine's green recovery.

Diversifying and rebuilding the Ukrainian economy: Application of the DIVE tool

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

This report applies UNIDO’s tool DIVE (Diversifying Industries and Value Chains for Exports) to help the Ukrainian government select potential targets for vertical and horizontal industrial policies to diversify and strengthen its economic base. The DIVE tool identifies so called ‘short jumps’—or products that are not yet being exported with a strong specialization but require productive capabilities that are likely to be already available in the Ukrainian economy—as well as long jumps’ – or products that represent novel areas of structural transformation.