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ITPO Italy

ITPO Rome Image

The UNIDO Italian Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO Italy) is based in Rome and became operational in 1987 thanks to the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Directorate General for Development Cooperation. Since 2004, Ms. Diana Battaggia is the Head of ITPO Italy.

Its mandate is to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups from targeted developing countries and economies in transition through the mobilization of investments and the transfer of technology and management skills, to implement industrial projects for sustainable local development and foster international partnerships and business cooperation with the Italian public and private sectors.



ITPO Italy offers ad-hoc services to both companies and institutions in two main industrial sectors, namely agribusiness and energy & environment. 

To institutions: 

  • UNIDO Delegate Programme 

  • Training and capacity building 

  • Country-based promotion 

  • Technical assistance 

  • Dissemination of information on investment climate 

  • Networking 

To companies: 

  • Investment opportunities 

  • Partners identification and matchmaking 

  • Facilitation of business meetings 

  • Assistance in negotiations and assessment of business plans 

  • Company visits and study tours 

  • Participation in global fairs, exhibitions and forums in Italy and abroad 


ITPO Italy works in close collaboration with: 

  • project donors – namely: the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS); the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE); and Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region. 

  • key national stakeholders and members of the “Italian System” – including: Confindustria; ENEA; Eni; Future Food Institute; CNH Industrial; University of Udine; Banca Popolare di Sondrio; Veneto Region; Acquedotto Pugliese; SIMEST and SACE of CDP Group; ICE/ITA; CNA; Unioncamere; Legacoop; UPI; and more. 

ITPO Italy is always intensifying synergies with relevant stakeholders from the institutional, private and academic sectors of Italy and developing countries to advance public-private partnerships for international cooperation.  


2024 | UNIDO

ITPO Italy Annual Report 2023

2022 | UNIDO

ITPO Italy Annual Report 2022

2022 | UNIDO

UNIDO ITPO Italy’s FIPEE Call for High Impact Cleantech

2023 | UNIDO

Business Opportunities in Iraq

Contact us


ITPO Italy

Via Paola, 41, 00186 Rome, Italy
