Good standardization practices in support of international trade
17 April 2023

VIENNA - The ISO Good Standardization Practices (GSP) eLearning course jointly developed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is now available!
The training helps to support international trade integration by highlighting the best practices and processes to develop and publish standards in an effective and efficient manner.
Trade is critical to prosperity and standards form the foundation of world trade. Through enhanced compliance with standards and market requirements, developing countries can better integrate into global trade and reduce their transaction costs when engaging in cross-border trade.
The active participation of developing countries in the standards-setting process is essential for the successful uptake of international standards and for ensuring that developing countries benefit fully from the use of standards addressing social, economic and environmental challenges. This includes developing the capacity of individuals and of National Standard Bodies to engage in standards development, strengthening technical knowledge, enabling exposure and engagement with international partners (e.g. ISO), and supporting participation in technical committees.
To this end, this eLearning course is primarily aimed at staff of National Standards Bodies—especially those in developing countries—and members of national technical committees, and will help foster the implementation of best practices at both the national and international level.
The training course, developed jointly by UNIDO and ISO with contributions from the Swiss Confederation’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), is hosted by ISO and accessible through the UNIDO Knowledge Hub
Register now for the first cycle of the course
For more information, please contact Dorina Nati