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Innovation Hub for Agribusiness Transformation (IHAT)

Scaling sustainable agribusinesses with access to agricultural solutions through local innovation networks and centers of excellence.


Innovation Hub for Agribusiness Transformation (IHAT) is a programmatic approach of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to enhance agribusiness support services. This approach addresses the development dilemma of the ‘missing middle' in low- and middle-income countries, more specifically the ability of local agribusiness support services to localize innovation and support the scaling of local innovation. 


INNOVATION HUB FOR AGRIBUSINESS TRANSFORMATION (IHAT) is UNIDO’s programmatic approach to addressing the dilemma of the hidden middle. UNIDO's IHAT program helps solve challenges in the agricultural sector by:

Developing local collaborative networks through an innovation hub to create access to internationally accepted services and inputs.

Establishing processing centers for agribusinesses using innovation support services.

Estimated implementation duration
4 years
Potential locations for implementation:


IHAT aims to accelerate the adoption of sustainable agribusiness practices by establishing local innovation support services that empower businesses to implement more efficient and eco-friendly methods. By introducing agricultural mechanization, it provides access to essential production and post-harvest solutions, enhancing productivity and reducing losses. Additionally, the project strengthens product compliance and certification services within selected value chains, ensuring that agricultural products meet quality standards and are competitive in both local and global markets.


SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

UNIDO Priorities:

Ending hunger

Thematic Area(s):

Energy efficiency
Sustainable agribusiness
Food safety and quality
Agro-technology and innovation
Digital transformation
Job creation
Investment promotion
Quality, trade and standards
Training and skills
Policy advisory
Research and statistics
Technology used

Technology Used

Data-Driven Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization: Configures supply chain networks using Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models to maximize performance.

Catalytic outlook

Catalytic Outlook

Improved efficiency is achieved through streamlined processes and better coordination between service providers. Enhanced innovation is made possible by better access to cutting-edge solutions and technologies. Economic growth results from increased productivity and access to markets for local agro-industries.


Unique Characteristics

Unique Solution Characteristics

Uses a set of tools to give a detailed overview of the sectorial context as well as a the complete service provider network in a targeted country: 

Mapping of stakeholder; Comprehensive survey; Root cause analysis; Intra and inter network analysis; Criteria for institution and innovation  

Previous Funding Source(s)
Dedicated Resources
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