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UNIDO Publications


Some like it cool UNIDO and the Montreal Protocol

2017  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

UNIDO has continually sought new, elegant solutions to the challenge of phasing out ozone depleting substances. In developing countries, the phase out of methyl bromide – in which UNIDO assisted 70 per cent of projects worldwide – is a perfect example. Through a number of inventive, ozone friendly methods, UNIDO not only helped developing countries to phase out the ozone depleting chemical, but actually assisted individuals, companies, and industry to improve their products, food security and economic output along the way.

50 years UNIDO Department of Environment

2016  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

The Department of Environment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) promotes the inclusive and sustainable development of global industry. It does so by providing assistance for the improvement of the environmental performance of existing industry and fostering new industries delivering environmental goods and services. This helps countries achieve sustained economic growth and human development.

Making It Green - Department of environment

2016  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

It is all about greening lives: As you’ll see, we partner with businesses and community leaders to make sure that industries provide services and make products that don’t put workers, local communities or consumers at risk for exposure to toxic chemicals, as well as to generate new green jobs that help young people and women enter the workforce.

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Environmental Management Projects

2015  |  Author(s): UNIDO


This Guide on Gender Mainstreaming UNIDO’s environmental management portfolio has been prepared by the Gender Mainstreaming Steering Committee (GMSC), under the overall guidance of Nilgün Taş, Chair of the GMSC, and Hedda ÖhlbergerFemundsenden, Gender O"cer, and in close cooperation with the Environmental Management Branch (EMB). The Guide is part of an organization-wide initiative to mainstream gender into all of UNIDO’s technical cooperation projects and programmes. Karen Cadondon, Bettina Heller and Hannah Strohmeier are the main authors of the document