UNIDO Publications - Catalogue Arabic Chinese English Farsi French German Japanese Khmer Mongolian Russian Spanish Ukrainian Vietnamese - All Decades -1950 - 19591960 - 19691970 - 19791980 - 19891990 - 19992000 - 20092010 - 20192020 - 2029 -All Years- Advanced Search Document Year Language(s) Country Region Keywords Project(s) Author Nutriendo Sinergias - Experiencias de Fomento de Clusters en Nicaragua bajo el Enfoque de Articulación Público-Privada 2012 Spanish Nicaragua Latin America and the Caribbean CIUDADANÍA Y DERECHOS DE LA MUJER EMPRENDEDORA INDÍGENA CAMPESINA EN BOLIVIA - Memoria del Programa de Patrimonio Productivo y Ciudadanía a Mujeres en Extrema Pobreza de Bolivia - Programa SEMILLA - LOGROS, BUENAS PRÁCTICAS Y LECCIONES APRENDIDAS 2012 Spanish Latin America and the Caribbean Demonstration of BAT and BEP in the Fossil Fuel-fired Utilities and Industrial Boilers in response to the Stockholm Convention on POPs 2012 English Asia and the Pacific 104066 Completion of a mapping and analysis of the existing industrial zones in Iraq 2012 English Iraq Arab States Promoting innovative industries and technologies for a sustainable future in the Europe and NIS region 2012 English Europe and Central Asia From Transition to Transformation - Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Europe and Central Asia 2012 English Europe and Central Asia Networks for Prosperity - Connecting Development Knowledge Beyond 2015 2012 English Global Industrial diplomacy for sustainable prosperity 2012 English Global 160066 Structural Change, Poverty Reduction and Industrial Policy in the BRICS 2012 English Brazil, India, China, South Africa Global TANZANIA INDUSTRIAL COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2012 2012 English Africa Manuel Albaladejo Training Course on Internal Auditing to ISO\/IEC 17025 - Final Report 2012 English Mozambique Africa Energy management benchmarking system (EMBS) 2012 English Global HCFC PHASE-OUT MANAGEMENT PLAN IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2012 English Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe and Central Asia ISO 9001 — Its relevance and impact in Asian Developing Economies 2012 English Asia and the Pacific Final Report on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Programme 2012 English Viet Nam Asia and the Pacific The Cooperation between Unido and the European Union - A partnership for inclusive growth and sustainable development 2012 English Europe and Central Asia THE COOPERATION BETWEEN UNIDO AND THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY - A partnership for green energy and the environment 2012 English Global Productive Capabilities Indicators for Industrial Policy Design 2012 English Global Antonio Andreoni Unravelling Manufacturing Development - The Role of Comparative Advantage, Productivity Growth and Country-specific Conditions 2012 English Global Nobuya Haraguchi Energy efficiency in electric motor systems - Technology, saving potentials and policy options for developing countries 2012 English Global Tobias Fleiter, Wolfgang Eichhammer R in the Statistical Office - Part II 2012 English Global Valentin Todorov, Matthias Templ Economic diversification strategies - A key driver in Africa’s new industrial revolution 2012 English Africa Helmut Asche, Philipp Neuerburg, Matteo Menegatti Diversification vs. specialization as alternative strategies for economic development - Can we settle a debate by looking at the empirical evidence? 2012 English Global Florian Kaulich World Manufacturing Production - Statistics for Quarter 2, 2012 2012 English Global Promoting Industrial Diversification in Resource Intensive Economies - The Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia Regions 2012 English Global First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Current page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 … Next page Next › Last page Last »