UNIDO Publications - Catalogue Arabic Chinese English Farsi French German Japanese Khmer Mongolian Russian Spanish Ukrainian Vietnamese - All Decades -1950 - 19591960 - 19691970 - 19791980 - 19891990 - 19992000 - 20092010 - 20192020 - 2029 -All Years- Advanced Search Document Year Language(s) Country Region Keywords Project(s) Author Manual on operations under multilateral environmental agreements - Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer and Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants 2009 English Global Greening of Industry under the Montreal Protocol - Background Paper 2009 English Global Tamas Grof BAMBOO CULTIVATION MANUAL - GUIDELINES FOR CULTIVATING ETHIPIAN LOWLAND BAMBOO 2009 English Ethiopia Africa Expert Group Meeting - Developing a Value Chain Diagnostics Tool for Common Practice at UNIDO 2009 English Global Complying with ISO 17025 - A practical guidebook for meeting the requirements of laboratory accreditation schemes based on ISO 17025-2005 or equivalent national standards 2009 English Africa AFRICA INVESTOR SURVEY 2009‐2010 - SUPERVISOR HANDBOOK 2009 English Africa 102003 Building Trust - The Conformity Assessment Toolbox 2009 English Global AFRICA INVESTOR SURVEY 2009‐2010 - ENUMERATOR HANDBOOK 2009 English Africa 102003 Etude du positionnement stratégique de la branche emballage - Partie Diagnostic 2009 French Africa 102070 Jean-Louis Corbiau, Amath Ba, Moussa Doudou Haïdara, Ndeye Soukeye Ndiaye Comment eviter les risques de contamination du cafe et du cacao par l'Ochratoxine A (OTA)? 2009 French Cote d'Ivoire Africa Securing small farmers’ exportation - OTA vs. coffee and cocoa in Ivory Coast 2009 French Cote d'Ivoire Africa SURVEY OF AGRO-INDUSTRIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ - A Statistical Report 2009 English Iraq Asia and the Pacific Resumen Ejecutivo para la Organización de Redes Empresariales Horizontales con Enfoque de Género 2008 Spanish Nicaragua Latin America and the Caribbean Metodología para la Organización de Redes Empresariales Horizontales con Enfoque de Género 2008 Spanish Nicaragua Latin America and the Caribbean Productos andinos - El futuro de los productos del Altiplano y los Valles Centrales de los Andes - Plantas medicinales 2008 Spanish Latin America and the Caribbean Report of the 2008 Organized Private Sector (OPS) Quarterly Forum 2008 English Nigeria Africa Public goods for economic development 2008 English Global Fuelling the global value chains - what role for logistics capabilities? 2008 English Global From clusters to cluster-based economic development 2008 English Global The global leather value chain - the industries, the main actors and prospects for upgrading in LDCs 2008 English Global Estudio Agroindustrial de la Cadena de Valor del Cuero en el Paraguay 2008 Spanish Paraguay Latin America and the Caribbean World Productivity Database - a technical description 2008 English Global Anders Isaksson Growth and inducement effects of export-led processing industries in the global production chain - The case of Viet Nam 2008 English Viet Nam Asia and the Pacific Has Foreign Direct Investment Led to Higher Productivity in sub-Saharan Africa? 2008 English Africa Thiam Hee Ng Explaining productivity change in Morocco 2008 English Morocco Arab States Mohamed A. Chemingui, Anders Isaksson First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Current page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 … Next page Next › Last page Last »