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Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Evaluation identity
TOR. Independent strategic evaluation. Global positioning and thought leadership of UNIDO on ISID. (January 2025).pdf

TOR. Independent strategic evaluation. Global positioning and thought leadership of UNIDO on ISID. (January 2025).pdf

2025  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

\nthis strategic evaluation of UNIDO’s global positioning and thought leadership aims to facilitate stocktaking of the Organization’s global positioning and normative role while suggesting ways in which UNIDO can strengthen its role as a thought leader in inclusive and sustainable industrial development. As a formative evaluation, the aim is to learn from moments and experiences, in which UNIDO has been recognized as an authority and led others in thinking on particular topics related to inclusive and sustainable development while considering ways in which the Organization can position itself globally as a credible authority and policy advisory service in industrialization. \n\nThese terms of reference (TOR) offer a brief background on the global development of industrial policy over the course of UNIDO’s existence; highlight some of UNIDO’s practices in global positioning and thought leadership that have contributed to the setting of norms and standards; and outline emerging areas of significance to UNIDO’s mandate wherein the Organization could act as a thought leader. Based on this analysis, the TOR then outlines the questions at the heart of this evaluation followed by the methodology to be utilized in conducting this analysis. The TOR close with a brief description of the evaluation process, composition of the team sought to conduct the evaluation, the time schedule, as well as the main expected deliverables.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

TOR. Independent mid-term evaluation. GLOBAL. Global Market Access Programme (GMAP) (UNIDO Project No. 180025).pdf

TOR. Independent mid-term evaluation. GLOBAL. Global Market Access Programme (GMAP) (UNIDO Project No. 180025).pdf

2025  |  Author(s): Independent Evaluation Unit (EIO/IEU)

#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 180025
The Global Market Access Programme (GMAP) pursues the following objectives and outcomes, thus responding to the main compliance challenges identified for Norad priority countries: # Overall objective (impact): SME are more competitive in international markets, thus contributing to sustainable and inclusive development of targeted countries. # Specific objective: Enhanced market access in prioritized value chains, mainly for SMEs. # Outcome 1: Enhanced technical competence and sustainability of the Quality Infrastructure System. Support for policy development\/informed policy decisions on standards compliance and institutional strengthening of key institutions and relevant public-private support institutions through capacity building (use of best practices, skills development, implementation of management systems and equipment procurement) to ensure quality and international recognition of their services. # Outcome 2: Enhanced SME compliance with standards and technical regulations. Improvement of quality and compliance capacities through capacity building (including specialized training and advice) and preparation for certification, and strengthening of associativity among VC actors. # Outcome 3: Strengthened culture for quality. Advocacy, up-scaling of knowledge dissemination and awareness activities.\nThe purpose of this independent mid-term evaluation (MTE) is to independently assess the programme to provide the programme management team and stakeholders with feedback on the programme’s performance to date and to identify early risks to programme sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency and progress towards results, including crosscutting issues. Further, to help UNIDO improve the performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. The MTE will cover projects from its starting date in 03\/2020 up to the start of the MTE in Q4\/2024.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

ToR. TE of the project Improving Inclusive And Sustainable Agro Value Chains Development, Including The Ibo Specialty Coffee One, of Cabo Delgado and Manica Provinces Through Public Private Partnership Approach (170217).pdf

ToR. TE of the project Improving Inclusive And Sustainable Agro Value Chains Development, Including The Ibo Specialty Coffee One, of Cabo Delgado and Manica Provinces Through Public Private Partnership Approach (170217).pdf


#Africa   #Mozambique   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The project was developed in response to an official request from the Provincial Directorate of Science and\nTechnology, Higher, and Professional Education of Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique. This request\nsought technical assistance to enhance the production, quality, and international recognition of Mozambican\ncoffee, particularly focusing on Ibo coffee. The requested assistance aims to increase local capacities and\nskills, introduce modern processing technology units, and improve coffee quality through professional\neducation and expertise.

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project The Project for Agri-Food and Agro-Industry Development Assistance (PAFAID) (UNIDO ID 180109).pdf

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project The Project for Agri-Food and Agro-Industry Development Assistance (PAFAID) (UNIDO ID 180109).pdf


#Global   #Pakistan   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The long-term goal of the project is to revitalize the livelihood of value chain actors in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, covering their daily income from the apple and cattle value chains and improve practices of food manufacturers and processors along with the related enabling environment. \n\nTo achieve this, the short-term goal of the project is to introduce improved practices and techniques in product quality, safety and productivity, the female and male farmers \/ herders as well as enterprises will be able to generate additional incomes by selling their food safety compliant and value added products in high-end markets. The project will follow a piloting approach for the apple and cattle meat value chains to showcase best practices in selected districts within the provinces. Furthermore, it will also pay attention to disseminate the developed know-how on best practices in product compliance, traceability value addition and productivity to actors, with consideration of economically more vulnerable groups, such as youth and women, as well as support the upgrading of their obsolete practices on-farm and processing level. Through the development of institutional capacities of the agricultural departments in KPK and Balochistan, they will be able to disseminate the developed code of practice (COP) after receiving training of trainer (ToT) trainings from senior experts. This in turn will also assist in the sustainability of the departments as an income generation opportunity and upscale of best practices in long-term. \nDuring the introduction of the new practices, the project will follow a piloting approach for the selected value chains, however, by closely involving the relevant departments at provincial level as well as their institutional capacity building which in turn allows the establishment of a framework for up-scaling potentials in the future. This approach also allows the identification of lessons learned and additional challenges related to the upgrade of these practices. As part of the value chain performance development, UNIDO will look into numerous thematic areas to improve current practices and income opportunities, such as compliant and productive capacities, value addition, and establishment of market linkages.\nThe main objective of the proposed project is revitalizing the livelihood of farmers from selected value chains in KPK and Baluchistan through improved production, quality compliances and introduction to new value addition practices.\nThe following project components have been developed, in addition to project management, to achieve the project objectives:\nComponent 1: Improved pilot applications in compliance and productive capacities of the cattle meat value chain in pre-selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa;\nComponent 2: Value addition and improved compliance practices piloted for the apple value chain in Balochistan.\n

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Greening of Scrap Metal Value Chain through the Promotion of BAT/BEP to Reduce U-POPs Releases from Recycling Facilities (UNIDO ID 150186).pdf

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Greening of Scrap Metal Value Chain through the Promotion of BAT/BEP to Reduce U-POPs Releases from Recycling Facilities (UNIDO ID 150186).pdf


#Global   #Thailand   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The main objective of the proposed project is to promote and introduce BAT\/BEP measures in scrap metal\nrecycling facilities in order to reduce or eliminate unintentional POPs releases\nThe following project components have been developed, in addition to project management, to achieve\nthe project objectives:\nComponent 1: Policy and regulatory framework - this component will focus on filling in the gaps in the\npolicy and regulatory framework with the aim to strengthen the country capacity to achieve an effective\nenforcement of laws and regulations in the field of U-POPs releases from the secondary metals producing\nindustry.\nComponent 2: Information dissemination and capacity building - this component will support the\nstrengthening of the technical capacity and expertise of human resources in the management of the\nlifecycle of scrap metal from its collection to the transformation into secondary metals in order to promote\nPage 5 of 26\nresource conservation and resource efficiency in a manner compatible with the requirements of the\nStockholm Convention. For this purpose, it will seek to identify and fill information gaps, to disseminate\nas widely as possible the knowledge for a sustainable management of the scrap metal value chain and to\nestablish a technical basis within key stakeholders for identifying and implementing the most appropriate\nBAT\/BEP measures. At the same time, this component will attempt to raise awareness of the workers and\nthe general public on environmental and health issues related to POPs exposure.\nComponent 3: Pilot project for the demonstration of BAT\/BEP in selected metal recycling facilities - The\nscope of this component is to address and demonstrate the technical feasibility of BAT\/BEP\nimplementation in order to minimize or in some cases even eliminate the potential formation and release\nto the environment of U-POPs and other harmful pollutants of local and global concern during thermal\nprocesses in the metallurgical industry.\nComponent 4: Monitoring and evaluation; knowledge management and dissemination - the purpose of\nthis component is to generate and ensure systematic support for managing all activities related to\nmonitoring, evaluation and reporting on progresses and results of the project in order to guarantee the\nachievement of project objectives, as well as to promote the internal circulation of knowledge and the\nexternal dissemination of the results of the project.\nThe following are, in brief, some of the expected results of the project\/programme:\n Demonstration projects developed and completed in four (4) pilot facilities with reduction of UPOPs measured for each pilot facility.\n Emission standards for UPOPs emission for ferrous and non-ferrous secondary metal production\nformulated and enforced.\n Estimated 23 g-TEQ\/year of PCDD\/F releases prevented from the four pilot demonstration sites\nand projected over the 15 year lifetime of installed equipment\n BAT\/BEP measures demonstrated and available. \n

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Sustainable-city development in Malaysia (UNIDO ID 150046) .pdf

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Sustainable-city development in Malaysia (UNIDO ID 150046) .pdf


#Global   #Malaysia   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The main objective of the proposed project is to promote an integrated approach to urban planning and\nmanagement that is guided by evidence-based, multi-dimensional, and broadly inclusive planning\nprocess that balance economic, social and environmental resource consideration; and to build\nawareness and institutional capacity, and promote investment in climate risks mitigation technologies\nthrough demonstration projects.\nThe following project components have been developed, in addition to project management, to achieve\nthe project objectives:\nComponent 1: Integration of Climate Risks in Urban Planning and Management\nThis component will address the barriers to sustainable city development mainly though mainstreaming\nclimate risk mitigation policies in urban planning and management through a holistic and coordinated\napproach. This is carried out through improving\/developing national and state policies and strategic\ndirection for development of sustainable and resilient cities development including building institutional\ncapacity of policy makers. It will also demonstrate an integrated smart grid technology that will kick-start\nits uptake with an end result of promoting renewable energy deployment, improving energy efficiency in\nbuildings and reducing air pollutions and GHG emissions, thus building resilience in cities.\nComponent 2: Monitoring and Evaluation\nThe monitoring and evaluation component will ensure that adequate monitoring and evaluation\nmechanisms are in place, facilitating smooth and successful project implementation and sound impact.\nSpecifically, this component’s outputs include; (i) Regular monitoring exercises conducted: tracking tools\nprepared according to GEF requirements; and (ii) Mid-term and final project evaluation conducted.\nPage 5 of 33\nThe project will result in new National & state policies, and an improved strategic direction for\ndevelopment of sustainable and resilient cities; supported by enabling programs (funding models, green\nprocurement, PPPs, etc.) & projects. The Institutional capacity of policymakers at the national, state and\nlocal levels will be built and Awareness raising events for policy-makers, industry and end-users will be\norganized at all levels for dissemination of tangible benefits\/results of project.

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State Phase II (UNIDO project ID 170230) .pdf

ToR. Independent terminal evaluation of the project Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State Phase II (UNIDO project ID 170230) .pdf


#Global   #Sudan   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The project aims to consolidate the knowledge base for the sustainable management and development\nof artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries in the Red Sea Sate of the Republic of Sudan by continuing to\nstrengthen institutional capacities of the Marine Fisheries Administration for the maintenance and use of\na Fishery Statistics System (FSS), the mapping of marine fisheries resources and landings and the\ndevelopment, implementation and monitoring of management plans adopting the Ecosystem Approach\nto Fisheries Management (EAFM),\nThe project contributes to the establishment of an ecosystem approach to the management of key\ncommercial and harvested fish species in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), within biologically\nsustainable levels and increase the economic benefits from sustainable fisheries in a least developed\ncountry. Thus, by contributing to achieve targets 14.2, 14.4 and 14.7 of SDG 14 ‘Conserve and sustainably\nuse the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development’ the project will contribute to\nreducing the prevalence of undernourishment in the Red Sea State and to sustain per capita economic\ngrowth, thereby contributing to targets set under 2.1 of SDG 2 ‘End hunger, achieve food security and\nimproved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture’. Furthermore, by making decision makers aware\nof the economic potential of sustainably managed marine resources for non-fisheries related socio2\nFAO Fishery Country Profile\nPage 6 of 41\neconomic development the project will also contribute to achieve target 8.1 of SDG 8. ‘Promote sustained,\ninclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’.\nTechnical Assistance provided by UNIDO under this project aims at building the institutional capacities for\nthe further consolidation of the FSS, the inclusion of data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, to\nbuild the institutional and individual capacities in Sudanese partner institutions to use the data collected\nin the FSS for the development of eco-system based management plans for 2 key commercial species and\nto assess the economic potential for sustainable fish based added value industrial processes in the Red\nSea State. This project is fully complementary and builds-up on the achievements of other projects\npreviously implemented by UNIDO in the Red Seas State for the promotion of a sustainable marine fishery.

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. SENEGAL. Resilience and recovery programme for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Senegal. UNIDO project ID 210011.pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. SENEGAL. Resilience and recovery programme for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Senegal. UNIDO project ID 210011.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Senegal   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 210011
The purpose of the evaluation is to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. This independent terminal evaluation will cover the whole duration of the project from its starting date in 01\/2021 to the estimated completion date in 03\/2025.\n\nThe evaluation has two specific objectives:\n(i) Assess the project performance in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence, and progress to impact; and\n(ii) Develop a series of findings, lessons and recommendations for enhancing the design of new and implementation of ongoing projects by UNIDO.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. GLOBAL. UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Beijing (UNIDO project ID 190212).pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. GLOBAL. UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Beijing (UNIDO project ID 190212).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 190212
The ITPO Beijing project is a key initiative aimed at promoting investment and technology transfer between China and developing countries, supporting the broader goal of sustainable and inclusive industrial development. As part of UNIDO’s global network of Investment and Technology Promotion Offices (ITPOs), ITPO Beijing plays a crucial role in bridging investment gaps and facilitating the flow of advanced technologies to regions where they are most needed.\n\n#ITPOChina #Beijing #investment #technology
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. Strengthening of national initiatives and enhancement of reg. coop. for the env. sound management of POPs in waste of electronic or electrical equipment (140297).pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. Strengthening of national initiatives and enhancement of reg. coop. for the env. sound management of POPs in waste of electronic or electrical equipment (140297).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Latin America and the Caribbean   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The project focuses on supporting Ministries of Environment and Health in 13 participating countries to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants (POPs) present in some waste of electronic or electrical equipment (WEEE) fractions. The main objective is to strengthen national initiatives and enhance regional cooperation for the environmentally sound management of POPs in WEEE in Latin American countries.\nThis terminal evaluation will cover the whole duration of the project from its starting date in March 2017 to the estimated completion date in June 2024 .

Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

TOR. Independent strategic evaluation. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa – IDDA 3, 2016-2025 (April 2024).pdf

TOR. Independent strategic evaluation. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa – IDDA 3, 2016-2025 (April 2024).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the implementation of IDDA III and the extent to which its expected results have been achieved. While building on the findings and recommendations of the MTR, the evaluation aims to generate findings, draw lessons, and provide a set of useful recommendations that could be used to inform the development of a potential successor initiative. The evaluation will focus on the overall IDDA III initiative and will cover the period from 2016 to 2024. Given the timeframe and other logistical constraints, the evaluation will not assess the performance of individual IDDA III projects or programmes, but focus on strategic aspects including achievement of stated objectives, stakeholder efforts and initiatives in support of Africa’s industrialization, and challenges encountered in the implementation of IDDA III.

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. UKRAINE. Industrial capacity-building, policy advice and diagnostics for the green recovery of Ukraine (UNIDO Project No. 230030).pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. UKRAINE. Industrial capacity-building, policy advice and diagnostics for the green recovery of Ukraine (UNIDO Project No. 230030).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Europe and Central Asia   #Ukraine   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 230030
The purpose of the evaluation is to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. The terminal evaluation (TE) will cover the whole duration of the project from its starting date on 01.04.2023 to the completion date on 31.03.2024.

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. INTER-REGIONAL. SwitchMed II (UNIDO Project No. 180228).pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. INTER-REGIONAL. SwitchMed II (UNIDO Project No. 180228).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Environment   #Circular economy   #Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 180228
SwitchMed supports the European Commission priorities on circular economy, the Union for the Mediterranean priorities (concerning the environment, including circular economy, the water, the Climate Change and the energy) discussed within the Environmental Task Force and the Regional action plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SPC) of the Barcelona convention.\nThe objective of SwitchMed II is to facilitate the shift toward sustainable consumption and production in the Southern Mediterranean Region (eight countries). To do so, the project stimulates both the demand and the supply side of SCP in the countries involved, by acting on the key drivers and barriers, existing economic conditions and legislative frameworks.\nThe intervention is coordinated by UNIDO on the basis of a contribution agreement; UNIDO subsequently has signed a collaboration agreement with United Nations Environment Programme and a subcontract with the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production. \nThe purpose of the terminal evaluation (TE) is to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance\nand results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. The TE will cover the whole duration of the project from its starting date in December 2018 to the estimated completion date in June 2024.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

TOR. Independent country evaluation in the People's Republic of China.pdf

TOR. Independent country evaluation in the People's Republic of China.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#ITPOs   #Asia and the Pacific   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The country-level evaluation will cover UNIDO interventions in China from 2016 to 2024 with a focus on UNIDO’s country engagement under the ongoing Country Programme 2021-2025.\n\nThe evaluation will not assess the performance of all individual projects under the Country Programme (due to the large portfolio and number of activities in the country). A precise scope of the evaluation, including a selection of projects as case studies (if needed), will be defined during\nthe inception phase, to focus on key activities while allowing answering all questions identified inthis TOR. \n\nThe evaluation will also examine the role and performance of the UNIDO Office in China in relation to coordinating, monitoring, and implementing UNIDO activities in the country and assess to which extent the office provides added value to the overall cooperation between UNIDO and China.\n\nIn particular, the evaluation aims to accomplish the following:\n1) Assess the results and performance of the UNIDO-China Cooperation with regard to\nUNIDO’s contribution to transformational changes at the country level;\n2) Identify what factors facilitated or hindered the achievement of intended results;\n4) Generate findings and provide recommendations to shape the future partnership with China, along with other country partners; and\n5) Consider the dual role of China as a beneficiary and an emerging donor.\n\nThe key users of this evaluation will be the Government of China, UNIDO management, the Field Office, and ITPOs (Beijing and Shanghai) in China, as well as other counterpart agencies and stakeholders cooperating with UNIDO in the country.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. INTER-REGIONAL. Promoting women empowerment (PWE) for ISID in the MENA region - Phase II. UNIDO project No 170136.pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. INTER-REGIONAL. Promoting women empowerment (PWE) for ISID in the MENA region - Phase II. UNIDO project No 170136.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 170136
The overarching goal of Promoting women’s empowerment (PWE) for inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in the MENA Region” (phase II) is to enhance women economic empowerment in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia by consolidating and expanding results from PWE I. The project has four. objectives: (i) building a more conducive environment for women entrepreneurship development (ii) alleviating the financial barriers to women’s entrepreneurship development; (iii) improving market access for women entrepreneurs; and (iv) increasing business opportunities for women-led businesses in selected value chains.\nThe purpose of the evaluation is to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance\nand results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. This terminal evaluation will cover the\nwhole duration of the project from its starting date in 02\/2019 to the estimated completion date in 12\/2024 .
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

TOR_Independent strategic evaluation. Knowledge management in UNIDO.pdf

TOR_Independent strategic evaluation. Knowledge management in UNIDO.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The purpose of this evaluation is to inform management about UNIDO’s current knowledge management practices with a view to assessing achievements, identifying gaps, and exploring avenues for improvement. The evaluation aims to assess UNIDO’s policies and strategies on effective creation, dissemination and retention of knowledge ensuring that lessons learned feed into evidence-based decision-making. \nScope: The evaluation will cover UNIDO's knowledge management practices at the global, regional, and country levels, including Headquarters, field offices, and partner organizations. The evaluation will focus on the period from 2016 to 2023. The timeframe selected allows for an assessment of UNIDO’s follow-up with the JIU recommendations on knowledge management.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. PAKISTAN. Mainstreaming CCA through water resource management in leather IZ development (UNIDO Project No. 150052. GEF ID 5666).pdf

TOR. Independent terminal evaluation. PAKISTAN. Mainstreaming CCA through water resource management in leather IZ development (UNIDO Project No. 150052. GEF ID 5666).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Leather   #Asia and the Pacific   #Pakistan   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

Project: 150052
This GEF-funded (full-sized) project is being implemented by UNIDO in Sialkot, Pakistan. The project started in March\n2017 in partnership with the Sialkot Tannery Association Guarantee Ltd (STAGL) as the lead National Executing Partner (NEP) and the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) functioning as an\nExecuting Partner. The project aims to support the baseline project, initiated under STAGL with the support of the Government of Punjab, involving the establishment, maintenance and operationalization of the Sialkot Tannery Zone (STZ). The STZ is a multimillion dollar project which aims to relocate Sialkot’s 250 tanneries, scattered in clusters across the city, to a dedicated tannery zone 13 km outside the city near the village of Khumbranwala. The GEF-funded project\nwill be supporting the baseline project by integrating climate change adaptation (CCA) measures and strategies into the environmentally sound construction of the STZ and urban development planning, supporting the construction and operationalization of a combined effluent treatment plant (CETP) for the tanneries which will relocate to the STZ, and through awareness-raising, sensitizing, and capacity-building activities to build climate change resilience among various project stakeholders.\nThe purpose of the evaluation is to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve the performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. The TE will cover the whole duration of the project from its starting date to the estimated completion date in March 2024.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

ToR for TE of UNIDO Engagement with the Private Sector.pdf

ToR for TE of UNIDO Engagement with the Private Sector.pdf


#Global   #Terms of reference of ongoing evaluations

The Office of Evaluation and Internal Oversight (EIO) will conduct an independent evaluation of UNIDO’s Engagement with the Private Sector. This evaluation is part of the approved EIO Evaluation Work Plan 2022-2023 and is expected to contribute to the achievement of UNIDO´s strategic priorities and objectives, strengthen evidence-based planning and programming, and inform decision-making processes.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting