COVID-19: Long-term support for biotech yields vaccine promise in Cuba
08 February 2021 | By: Jenny Larsen
The Cuban government recently announced that its Soberana II vaccine against COVID-19 will soon enter Phase III trials, bringing the country one important step closer to producing Latin America’s ...
Sri Lanka’s welders learn of dangers of contaminated oil
02 February 2021 | By: Charles ARTHUR
In line with its commitment to the Stockholm Convention, Sri Lanka is working to protect the environment and human health from the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other man-made ...
Austria wants more women and youth to engage in the energy transition
01 February 2021 | By: UNIDO
In January 2021, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with the Vienna Energy Forum partners, the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition and the ...
Can industrialization in Africa be sustainable?
21 January 2021 | By: Helen Hai
In 2012, Helen Hai set up a shoe factory in Ethiopia for the Chinese manufacturer, Huajian. Then, with her own company, C&H Garments, she went on to establish export-oriented garment manufacturing ...
Success of online training spurs calls for more interactive webinars
15 December 2020 | By: Jenny Larsen
One of the major outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic could be a permanent change in how and where many people work.
Women in industry – why we need more gender-sensitive statistics
03 December 2020 | By: Jenny Larsen
COVID-19 is highlighting how a lack of gender-sensitive statistics threatens women’s health. But a shortage of good, reliable data on women is also holding back progress towards inclusive and ...
Helping South Africa’s waste pickers face the COVID-19 crisis and beyond
24 November 2020 | By: Tebogo Maleka and Petronella DeWet
South Africa has more than 60,000 waste pickers who play a substantial role in the waste management industry of the country, collecting 80 to 90% of used recyclables collected on an annual basis. As ...
Can Africa’s third industrial development decade deliver?
20 November 2020 | By: UNIDO
Industrial development in Africa has been sluggish for some decades. Now, as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic kick in, hopes for better progress, at least in the short term, appear to be fading. ...
What can be learnt from China's forty-year journey of industrial park development?
20 November 2020 | By: Jie ZHAO, Coordinator for South-South and Triangular Cooperation of UNIDO
UNIDO has analysed the experience of formulating and implementing industrial policies in countries at different stages of industrialization, and summarized 10 policy instruments that can effectively ...
African policymakers expect severe COVID-19 impact on industry - UNIDO survey
17 November 2020 | By: Frank Hartwich, Anders Isaksson and Jenny Larsen
Africa has so far been spared the worst health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite a lag in the arrival of the virus on the continent and a large informal sector, policymakers say the impact ...
Coronavirus: the economic impact – 21 October 2020
21 October 2020 | By: the Policy, Research and Statistics Department, UNIDO. This brief is produced by a team consisting of Nicola Cantore (lead), Frank Hartwich, Andrea Laplane, Jenny Larsen, Alejandro Lavopa and Niki Rodousakis.
Recovery or protracted economic downturn? The role of policies based on evidence
Will COVID-19 accelerate the transition to a sustainable fashion industry?
09 October 2020 | By: UNIDO
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic shutdowns have created unprecedented challenges for the fashion industry, including declining consumer spending and disrupted supply chains. This ...
Віртуальні дискусії Industry4Ukraine надають імпульс для відновлення економіки України
27 September 2020 | By: UNIDO
Початок пандемії COVID-19 в березні 2020 року істотно вплинув на промисловий сектор України. Заходи, вжиті для уповільнення поширення COVID-19, призвели до скорочення діяльності малих і середніх ...
India: Building back better through remanufacturing
21 September 2020 | By: René Van Berkel, India Representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and Rajiv Ramchandra, Founder and Director, Recreate India Research Foundation (Re:CREATe)
Sectors with high job creation potential deserve specific support as India seeks to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. Remanufacturing provides a case in point as it makes good business ...
What industrialization means for well-being – and why it matters
17 September 2020 | By: Jenny Larsen
UNIDO report demonstrates how the process of industrialization connects directly and measurably to better quality of life.
Как отойти от шока после COVID-19: восстановление экономики Украины
14 September 2020 | By: UNIDO
Начало пандемии COVID-19 в марте 2020 года сильно повлияло на промышленный сектор Украины. Меры, принятые для замедления распространения COVID-19, привели к упадку малых и средних предприятий (МСП) в ...
After COVID-19 shock: how to boost Ukraine’s economic recovery
14 September 2020 | By: Emma Manos
Industrialization in Latin America: exile and return
14 September 2020 | By: Manuel Albaladejo, UNIDO representative in Uruguay and Director of the UNIDO Regional Office covering Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Informal women workers organize and learn to safely recycle e-waste in Manila
26 August 2020 | By: UNIDO
In order that informal e-waste recycling can benefit everyone, recyclers must have the resources to do their work safely.