After COVID-19 shock: how to boost Ukraine’s economic recovery
14 September 2020 | By: Emma Manos
After COVID-19 shock: how to boost Ukraine’s economic recovery
14 September 2020 | By: Emma Manos
Industrialization in Latin America: exile and return
14 September 2020 | By: Manuel Albaladejo, UNIDO representative in Uruguay and Director of the UNIDO Regional Office covering Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Informal women workers organize and learn to safely recycle e-waste in Manila
26 August 2020 | By: UNIDO
In order that informal e-waste recycling can benefit everyone, recyclers must have the resources to do their work safely.
19 August 2020 | By: Leisa Burrell
The need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of the Paris Agreement has focused attention on the highly polluting transport sector, which accounts for a quarter of global GHG emissions. ...
Can women fast-track South Africa’s energy transition?
13 August 2020 | By: Article originally published by the Industrial Energy Accelerator.
Women in South Africa are making their way into the energy field, but, for such a key and fast-changing sector, more must be done to benefit from the unique contribution women can make. Bolder ...
Green industrial policy to power a green recovery
12 August 2020 | By: UNIDO
Interview with Li Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
How solar-powered tablets are educating rural communities about COVID-19 in Mozambique
23 July 2020 | By: Elisabeth Kisakye and Leisa Burrell
In the wake of the outbreak of the novel corona virus and realizing the need to disseminate information about the spread and prevention of COVID19 and other health-related issues, the Community Tablet ...
23 July 2020 | By: UNIDO
Maria José Gonzalez is the project coordinator of Biovalor ‘Generating Value with Agroindustrial Waste’ implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) together with ...
Outlook for Asian firms gloomy amid severe COVID-19 economic impacts
23 July 2020 | By: Jenny Larsen and Nicola Cantore
A new report on the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) shows pessimism about business prospects in several Asian economies, with ...
UNIDO’s response to COVID-19 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
22 July 2020 | By: UNIDO
Aside from the obvious human and economic impacts, one of the remarkable aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the vacuum filled by digital technologies: ICTs have facilitated millions of people ...
Megan Reilly Cayten: “Nothing matters without a planet that humans can live on”
20 July 2020 | By: Lucia Conti
Megan Reilly Cayten is co-founder of Ocean 2050, a consultant on carbon markets, impact and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria, and Senior Advisor at Javelin Capital.
Mona Itani: “I have a message to give the youth of Lebanon and the Arab world”
14 July 2020 | By: Lucia Conti
Mona Itani is an engineer, a lecturer at the American University of Beirut, and the Founder of Riyada for Social Innovation, a social enterprise that educates youth to develop tech solutions to social ...
Coronavirus: the economic impact – 26 May 2020
10 July 2020 | By: by the Policy, Research and Statistics Department, UNIDO. This brief is produced by a team consisting of Nicola Cantore (lead), Frank Hartwich, Alejandro Lavopa, Keno Haverkamp, Andrea Laplane, and Niki Rodousakis.
Which countries and manufacturing sectors are most affected by the COVID-19 crisis? Some early evidence and possible policy responses
Coronavirus: the economic impact – 10 July 2020
10 July 2020 | By: By the Policy, Research and Statistics Department, UNIDO. This brief is produced by a team consisting of Nicola Cantore (lead), Frank Hartwich, Alejandro Lavopa, Keno Haverkamp, Andrea Laplane, and Niki Rodousakis.
A health pandemic or a pandemic for the economy?
Expert opinion: how can small businesses make it through the current coronavirus crisis?
09 July 2020 | By: UNIDO
What are the key concerns of CEOs or CFOs in times of uncertainty: What operational changes would prevent losses? How to maintain a work force without layoffs? How long the pandemic and its aftermath ...
“More than 95% of capital investment in the world is invested by men in men”
06 July 2020 | By: Lucia Conti
Amel Saidane is a Tunisian entrepreneur and a digital transformation expert. She is also the President of Tunisian Start-ups, and member of the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network.
“If you want to kill the evil, look at its roots, not its branches”
06 July 2020 | By: Lucia Conti
ana Afouaiz is a public speaker on global feminism and an expert on women’s issues in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
Cleantech innovators take on COVID-19
02 July 2020 | By: Leisa Burrell
As countries start to envisage their post-pandemic landscape, with calls for green stimulus and technology, science and innovation-driven solutions growing louder, it is these enterprises that, by ...
29 June 2020 | By: UNIDO
The Syrian conflict has created one of the worst humanitarian crises of our generation. In 2019, an estimated 11.9 million people were still in need of various forms of humanitarian assistance, and ...