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Evaluation reports

Evaluation identity
Evaluation report on Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development.pdf

Evaluation report on Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Energy management systems   #Africa   #Project evaluations

Project: 170046
The UNIDO programme - Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development - focuses on geothermal power generation and energy management systems in Africa, with a particular emphasis on the Eastern Great Rift Valley region. The programme aims to increase access to stable electricity, improve the operations of an existing geothermal plant in Kenya, and enhance human and institutional capacities.\nThe programme was divided into two parts, with the Internet of Things (IoT) sub-project being separated due to its technical nature and having its budget. The overall budget for the program – starting in March 2017 and completed at the end of 2023- is USD 12.733 million.\nThe terminal evaluation assesses the programme's achievements in terms of technology demonstration projects, removing barriers to accessing technical information, capacity building, knowledge management, identifying sustainable business models, and strengthening market conditions for investment. The evaluation also examines the program's progress toward its impact, which includes catalyzing market development for geothermal power projects and improving energy access in African countries.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.pdf

Evaluation report on Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 190092
This report presents the independent terminal evaluation of the project entitled Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development for Job Creation in Ethiopia and Senegal (UNIDO project ID 190092), funded by the Government of Germany and executed by UNIDO from December 2019 to December 2023. The project, with a budget of 8 million Euros, was part of Germany's Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” and aimed at mitigating youth unemployment challenges in Ethiopia and Senegal through training and skills development stimulating private sector investment, and mainstreaming legal and policy instruments and mechanisms.\nKey findings reveal the project's achievement in demonstrating the potential for\nemployability and job creation, primarily through the adoption of value chain approaches in agro-industry in Ethiopia, and the UNIDO IDEA approach for youth entrepreneurship development in Senegal. Overall, the project’s achievements have been significant more on a qualitative level than quantitatively due to its demonstrative nature.\nDespite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a low number of investors in the\nintegrated agro-industrial park in Ethiopia and the non-completion of the Agropole Sud in Senegal, the project surpassed most predefined targets, creating and improving over 3,000 jobs in both countries combined, with notable emphasis on youth, women, and smallholder farmers. Moreover, significant efforts were made to support SMEs and enhance the working conditions of employees through targeted training initiatives.\nRecommendations of the evaluation aim to enhance the sustainability of the project's\nbenefits, emphasizing the importance of continued policy support, investment attraction, and capacity building. Additionally, the evaluation highlights valuable lessons learned, underscoring the importance of adaptive approaches in the face of unforeseen challenges and the potential for replicability in similar contexts.\nIn conclusion, while facing inevitable obstacles, the project achieved commendable outcomes in promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development, thus contributing to economic transformation and job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

Evaluation report on Job creation for youth and women through improvement of business environment and SMEs competitiveness in Jordan.pdf

Evaluation report on Job creation for youth and women through improvement of business environment and SMEs competitiveness in Jordan.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Youth   #Value chain   #Arab States   #Jordan   #Project evaluations

Project: 160264
The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and implemented by UNIDO aimed at increasing Jordan’s private-sector contribution to job creation and at promoting the economic inclusion of youth and women by supporting the development of competitive small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Outcome 1 achieved milestones like the establishment of the Jordan Industrial Intelligence Observatory, the development of the first ever Jordan Industrial Competitiveness Report (JICR), and the inclusion of Jordan in OECD’s TiVA database. Outcome 2 faced challenges in relation to the dissemination of developed value chain studies and planned capacity building initiative for selected SMEs. Other critical factors affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the project were delays in funds disbursements, COVID-19 and a high staff turnover.\nDespite setbacks, the evaluation found the overall project implementation to be moderately satisfactory. Notably, the Industrial Intelligence Observatory and TiVA database additions contribute to potential long-term impact and sustainability.
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

Evaluation report on European Union-East African Community Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) in Kenya.pdf

Evaluation report on European Union-East African Community Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) in Kenya.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Kenya   #Project evaluations

Project: 170183
The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP), a collaborative initiative between the EU and the East African Community, aimed to enhance market access for agro-food\nproducts in both the EU Single Market and regional markets. The MARKUP Kenya project\nfocused on boosting the economic development of Kenya by increasing the value of agricultural exports in selected horticulture subsectors. Implemented from February 2019\nto September 2023, the project prioritized commodities such as green beans, mangoes, passion fruits, among others, in 10+ counties. Key findings of the evaluation underscore the project’s relevance to and coherence with national and global policies, and notable effectiveness in achieving key targets, especially in GAP training and communication initiatives. The project showcased efficiency in its implementation, with a small team\ncoordinating diverse activities involving national and county-level stakeholders. The evaluation revealed significant economic benefits for farmers, including reduced production costs, increased produce quantities, and improved access to new markets. Although project’s sustainability prospects appear promising, challenges remain, necessitating follow-up funding to bridge potential gaps. Gender mainstreaming was a commendable aspect, with over 40% of target farmers being women. Key recommendations include creating a sustainability strategy, launching dissemination actions, and developing\ncomprehensive funding strategies for value chain scaling. Lessons learned emphasize the importance of public participation, understanding local cultures, engaging county leadership, and promoting cooperatives and certifications for sustainable development.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP).pdf

Evaluation report on Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Accreditation   #Value chain   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 170032
This report provides an overview of the evaluation of the first phase of the Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP) from December 2017 to November 2023. The evaluation covers seven countries, including Colombia, Peru, Indonesia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and Georgia. \n\nThe findings indicate that the GQSP has achieved good results in strengthening quality infrastructures and enhancing awareness for quality. However, the program's effectiveness varies between quality infrastructure institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises\n(SMEs), with limited reach to SMEs and mixed results in terms of enhanced export competitiveness. Financial sustainability is also highlighted as crucial for long-term impact. \n\nThe evaluation concludes that the overall intervention logic of the GQSP works partially and suggests revising the theory of change to better reflect the program's scope and factors influencing export competitiveness. Furthermore, the evaluation recommends continued\nfinancial support for the development and maintenance of global knowledge tools created under the GQSP. \n\nRecommendations for the second phase of the GQSP include strategies to enhance SME outreach, better definition of target beneficiaries, innovative approaches for capacity building, investment in empirical evidence collection, revision of the theory of change, consideration of a parallel trade promotion program, and strengthening long-term sustainability. \n\nOverall, the evaluation highlights the achievements and areas for improvement of the GQSP and provides valuable recommendations for the second phase to enhance its effectiveness and impact on quality infrastructure and SMEs.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP).pdf

Evaluation report on Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 170022
This report presents the evaluation of the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP), a five-year initiative launched in December 2018. GEIPP aims to demonstrate the benefits of eco-industrial park approaches in improving resource productivity and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development. It consists of two main components: country-level interventions and global knowledge development. The country-level interventions focus on incentivizing and mainstreaming eco-industrial parks in national policies and regulations, as well as supporting the implementation of eco-industrial park\nopportunities by enterprises. The global knowledge development component aims to generate and disseminate knowledge from past and present UNIDO interventions to inform\nstrategies and policies. The program covered seven pilot countries, including Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine, and Vietnam, with a total of 21 eco-industrial parks.\nThe evaluation identified several lessons and recommendations. It emphasized the importance of supporting environmentally friendly innovation while ensuring the inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It also highlighted the need to strengthen\npartnerships within the UN system, promote collaboration among UNIDO programs, and prioritize system-wide approaches. Recommendations included addressing socioeconomic aspects, improving communication and feedback mechanisms, and supporting SMEs in adopting eco-industrial practices. \nOverall, the evaluation underscored the significance of eco-industrial park approaches in improving resource productivity and fostering sustainable industrial development. It emphasized the importance of integrating these approaches into national policies, supporting enterprises in implementing them, and sharing knowledge and lessons learned internationally. The findings and recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness and impact of GEIPP and similar initiatives in the future.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Promoting organic waste-to-energy and other low-carbon technologies in SMMEs_Accelerating biogas market dev. in South Africa.pdf

Evaluation report on Promoting organic waste-to-energy and other low-carbon technologies in SMMEs_Accelerating biogas market dev. in South Africa.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Biogas   #Renewable energy   #Environment   #Skills development   #Africa   #South Africa   #Project evaluations

Project: 130310
The project, supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), aimed to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the conversion of waste to biogas.\nThe evaluation assessed the project's overall attainment of objectives, sustainability measures, and scalability. The findings indicate that the project was well-designed and\naligned with GEF objectives. It successfully engaged stakeholders and promoted market shifts towards renewable energy investments. Financial management and co-financing were appropriately reported and monitored, demonstrating the viability and interest in waste-to-energy activities in South Africa. The project generated valuable knowledge and documents to support future biogas projects. Although some output targets were not fully achieved, significant progress was made, including the installation of biogas plants and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the project managed to positively change the view point on biogas projects towards environmentally sound resource management and was therefore rated as overall moderately satisfactory.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP) Ghana component.pdf

Evaluation report on West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP) Ghana component.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Value chain   #Quality infrastructure   #Africa   #Ghana   #Project evaluations

Project: 170220
This terminal evaluation concerns the Ghana Component (WACOMP-Ghana) of the West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP). WACOMP-Ghana is funded by the EU (€6,2 million) with additional €150,000 cost-sharing by UNIDO (German Trust Fund). The project started in February 2019 and its initially planned duration of 4 years was extended to 5 years in January 2023 and project completion is expected to be in principle at the end of January 2024. The project targeted three value chains: cassava; fruits (mango and pineapple) and cosmetics. Its interventions are structured under 5 complementary pillars, summarized as the “‘5Cs”: Coordinate, Compete, Conform, Connect and Credit.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Increased energy access for productive use through small hydropower development in rural areas in Madagascar.pdf

Evaluation report on Increased energy access for productive use through small hydropower development in rural areas in Madagascar.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Madagascar   #Project evaluations

Project: 120094
The full-size project “Increased energy access for productive uses through the development of small hydropower in rural areas, funded by the Global Environment Facility, was implemented by UNIDO, from May 2015 to June 2023.\nThe main objective of the project was to stimulate the use of small hydropower to reduce GHG emissions and trigger productive use for income generation in line with priorities of the Government of Madagascar with the overall aim to increase the competitiveness of the Madagascan SME sector and to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels. The terminal evaluation covered the whole duration of the project.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Final report on the independent terminal evaluation of a cluster of UNIDO polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) projects.pdf

Final report on the independent terminal evaluation of a cluster of UNIDO polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) projects.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Project evaluations

The findings and information provided in this Report are based on the individual terminal evaluations of eight GEF-funded polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) projects implemented by UNIDO during the period 2010 to 2023 in: • Bolivia: ESM of PCB containing equipment and wastes and upgrade of technical expertise in Bolivia (UNIDO project No. 140296; GEF ID: 5646) • Republic of the Congo: ESM and final disposal of PCBs (UNIDO project No. 140160; GEF ID: 5325) • Guatemala: ESM and disposal of PCB-containing equipment and disposal of DDT wastes, and upgrade of technical expertise in Guatemala (UNIDO project No. 140298; GEF ID: 5325) • India: ESM and final disposal of PCBs in India (UNIDO project No. 104044; GEF ID: 3775) • Lao PDR: PCB Management and Disposal in the Energy Sector (UNIDO project No. 140157; GEF ID: 4782) • Morocco: Making PCB management and elimination sustainable in Morocco (UNIDO project No. 170117; GEF ID: 9916) • Russian Federation: ESM and final Disposal of PCBs at the Russian railroads network and other PCB owners (Phase I) (UNIDO project No. 140019; GEF ID: 4915) • Serbia: ESM and final disposal of PCBs – (UNIDO project No. 100313; GEF ID: 4877)

Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Utilizing solar energy for industrial process heat in Egyptian industry.pdf

Evaluation report on Utilizing solar energy for industrial process heat in Egyptian industry.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Solar energy   #Arab States   #Egypt   #Project evaluations

Project: 120073
The UNIDO project - Utilizing solar energy for industrial process heat in Egyptian industry (commonly known as the SHIP project), supported by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), started in October 2014 with an original planned duration of 5 years, was completed at the end of March 2023 with an actual duration of 8.5 years.\nThe objective of the project was to develop the market environment for the diffusion and local manufacturing of solar energy for industrial process heat. The project focused on improving the energy efficiency of industrial process heat systems and the introduction of solar thermal (water heating) technologies mainly in industrial companies with a high fraction of low and medium temperature heat demand in three industrial sectors, namely the food, chemical and textiles sectors. Further, the project sought to support the local manufacturing of quality components of the solar systems.\nThe terminal evaluation (TE) analysed to what extent has the project achieved the expected results within the solar energy sector for industrial process heat in Egypt namely; the promotion of policy instruments; mobilization of financing; improvement in manufacturing the technology and enhancing the technical capacity of people involved in the sector.\nThe TE regarded the project overall as a success and that it is leaving a good legacy through the conduct of many training (benefiting over 1,300 people), setting up a Revolving Fund worth USD 4million, holding many media and visibility events, and achieving a high degree of awareness.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in Serbia.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in Serbia.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Europe and Central Asia   #Serbia   #Project evaluations

Project: 100313
The objective of the project is similar to other UNIDO PCB projects and includes technical components such as legal framework, capacity building, awareness raising, PCB inventory, and assessment of contaminated sites. The main project objective is to protect human health and the environment by reducing and eliminating the releases of and exposure to PCBs through establishment of an environmentally sound PCB management system and final disposal of 200 tons of PCB equipment.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of PCB-containing equipment and wastes and upgrade of technical expertise in Bolivia.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of PCB-containing equipment and wastes and upgrade of technical expertise in Bolivia.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Latin America and the Caribbean   #Project evaluations

Project: 140296
The project brought together different participants to meet the same objective and eliminate PCBs for the first time in Bolivia. One of the main achievements was awareness of PCBs' environmental and human health risks. After the project, the resources necessary for the ESM of PCBs are perceived as an investment; behavioural changes, including preventive measures throughout the sector and demystifying fieldwork with PCBs, are also identified. The project disposed of 149.6 tons of PCBs.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management and disposal of PCB-containing equipment and disposal of DDT wastes, upgrade of techn. expertise.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management and disposal of PCB-containing equipment and disposal of DDT wastes, upgrade of techn. expertise.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Latin America and the Caribbean   #Guatemala   #Project evaluations

Project: 140298
The project's main contribution was to standardize PCB management knowledge and practices in the country and provide a legal and technical framework for its implementation. This project was designed according to the country's reality, covering all PCB issues and challenges; its level of relevance is still valid. The intervention was implemented effectively by stakeholders in their different roles.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of municipal and hazardous solid saste to reduce emissions of unintentional POPs in Senegal.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of municipal and hazardous solid saste to reduce emissions of unintentional POPs in Senegal.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Stockholm Convention   #Africa   #Senegal   #Project evaluations

Project: 100114
The purpose of this terminal evaluation was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the performance of the US$ 2M GEF-financed project entitled - Environmentally sound management of municipal and hazardous solid waste to reduce emissions of unintentional persistent organic pollutants in Senegal. This project started on 20 January 2015 and is expected to end on 31 March 2023. Its overall objective was to reduce releases of POPs from hazardous and municipal waste in two pilot municipalities, Tivaouane and Ziguinchor, by strengthening the technical and institutional capacities of private sector entities able to sustain and replicate best available technologies\/best environmental practices (BAT\/BEP) demonstrated under the project. The project was part of the implementation of the National Implementation Plan (NIP) under the Stockholm Convention ratified by the Government of Senegal on 8 October 2003.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in the Republic of Congo.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in the Republic of Congo.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Project evaluations

Project: 140160
This medium-sized project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, was implemented by UNIDO from May 2015 to December 2022.\nThe main objective of the project was to establish an environmentally sound management system of PCBs and dispose of 200 tons of PCBs contaminated equipment and waste by strengthening the institutional capacities of power and oil sectors for sound management of chemicals in the Republic of Congo. The evaluation covered the whole duration of the project.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on PCB Management and Disposal at the Energy Sector.pdf

Evaluation report on PCB Management and Disposal at the Energy Sector.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #Lao People's Democratic Republic   #Project evaluations

The project “PCB Management and Disposal at the Energy Sector”, focuses on managing and disposing of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the energy sector of Lao PDR.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.

Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs at the Russian Railways network and other PCB owners (Phase I).pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs at the Russian Railways network and other PCB owners (Phase I).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Europe and Central Asia   #Russian Federation   #Project evaluations

Project: 140019
This full-sized project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, was implemented by UNIDO from February 2014 to December 2022.\nThe main objective of the project was to build capacity to introduce and implement a PCB management system to facilitate the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs, to dispose of at least 3,800 tons of PCBs and PCB-containing equipment in an environmentally-sound manner and to maximize opportunities for public-private partnership through development of efficient policies and regulations The evaluation covered the whole duration of the project.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Making polychlorinated biphenyls management and elimination sustainable in Morocco.pdf

Evaluation report on Making polychlorinated biphenyls management and elimination sustainable in Morocco.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Morocco   #Project evaluations

Project: 170117
This medium-sized project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, is being implemented by UNIDO from January 2018 to November 2023.\nThe main objective of the project was to protect the environment through the safe elimination of PCB-containing oil, equipment and wastes combined to strengthening the regulatory framework applicable to PCBs. The evaluation covered the implementation period from January 2018 to March 2023.\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Removal of technical and economic barriers to initiating the clean-up activities for contaminated sites at OHIS.pdf

Evaluation report on Removal of technical and economic barriers to initiating the clean-up activities for contaminated sites at OHIS.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Europe and Central Asia   #Project evaluations

Project: 100122
This report presents an independent terminal evaluation of the North Macedonian project “Removal of Technical and Economic Barriers to Initiating the Clean-up Activities for α-HCH, β-HCH and Lindane Contaminated Sites at OHIS”. OHIS is a former organic chemicals factory at the outskirts of Skopje, North Macedonia.\nThe project objective is to set up a sustainable mechanism to ensure a durable and continued clean-up operation at the selected HCH-contaminated site for future industrial use, and to protect human health and the environment from their adverse effects by reducing and eliminating the releases of and exposure to HCHs (6,000 m3 or 10,700 tons to be disposed within the project period).\nThe purpose of the evaluation was to independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects. The terminal evaluation covers the whole duration of the project from its starting date in January 2015 to the estimated completion date in March 2023.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment