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Evaluation reports

Evaluation identity
Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in India.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs in India.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #India   #Project evaluations

Project: 104044
The project objective is “to reduce or eliminate the use and releases of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the environment through the development and implementation of pilot projects on the environmentally sound management (ESM) of PCBs through the disposal of approximately 2,700 tons of pure PCBs and 5,000 tons of PCB-contaminated equipment, including PCB-contaminated mineral oils and related waste in three pilot states in India.”\nThis terminal evaluation was a part of a Cluster evaluation of eight UNIDO PCB projects.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Sustainable Energy Initiative for Industries in Pakistan.pdf

Evaluation report on Sustainable Energy Initiative for Industries in Pakistan.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Sustainable energy   #Renewable energy   #Asia and the Pacific   #Pakistan   #Project evaluations

Project: 100049
This independent Terminal Evaluation (TE) covered the whole duration of the “Sustainable Energy Initiative for Industries in Pakistan (REEE)” project from its starting date in June 2014 to its completion in December 2022.\nThe REEE project aimed to reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating the creation of a market environment to promote the use of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) technologies and measures in the selected industrial sectors of Pakistan.\nThe REEE sought to address barriers related to the policy, incentives for the development of a robust domestic market for delivering technology and management solutions, and an enhanced policy and regulatory framework for promotion of RE&EE measures in the industry. The project adopted an integrated and holistic approach that combined demonstration projects with high replication potential with interventions seeking to establish a market environment conducive to investments in clean energy practices and technologies. REEE was initially planned for four years, but was extended two times, and finally lasted 7.5 years.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Support for the design and implementation of a technical assistance programme and capacity building concerning industrial land.pdf

Evaluation report on Support for the design and implementation of a technical assistance programme and capacity building concerning industrial land.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Morocco   #Project evaluations

Project: 200160
The independent terminal evaluation assessed the programme that falls within the framework of component (i) \"Technical Assistance\" of the \"Industrial Land\" activity of Compact II. The programme is also part of the Partnership Country Program (PCP Morocco-UNIDO), signed on March 26, 2019, between UNIDO and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.\nThe program is the sum of three\nprojects:\n• Project 1 focused on capacity building through a set of training modules established and conducted by experts\/ trainers mobilized by UNIDO.\n• Project 2 focused on the development of an electronic platform for industrial zones. The project aimed to diagnosing the existing electronic platform for industrial zones (, benchmarking existing platforms on industrial land, and creating a new electronic platform for industrial zones based on the results of the diagnosis and benchmarking.\n• Project 3 focused on the diagnosis of industrial zones in Morocco (114 designated industrial zones by MIC) and recommendations to improve their performance and attractiveness.\nThe three projects appear as three centers of activities that are not necessarily interlinked to each other. However, collectively, they all contribute to a more global objective of good governance of industrial land in Morocco.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Management Mechanism for POPs in the Caribbean (UNIDO project No. 150049).pdf

Evaluation report on Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Management Mechanism for POPs in the Caribbean (UNIDO project No. 150049).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 150049
The project sought to reduce the risks related to POPs in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago by supporting systems for integrated chemicals management (ICM) in the region. The GEF approved the project in December 2015, and the project ended in December 2022 after a two-year extension. The project was implemented by UNIDO. The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean Region (BCRC-CARIBBEAN) executed the regional activities, while UNIDO executed the technology demonstration activities.\nThe terminal evaluation assessed the project performance in terms of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and progress to impact. Key in this assessment was the examination of the extent to which the project helped to put in place the conditions likely to overcome barriers and contribute to a development trajectory conducive to the sustainable management of POPs in participating countries. The second objective was to identify useful findings, lessons, and recommendations for enhancing the design of new and implementation of ongoing projects by UNIDO. The Terminal Evaluation included an assessment of project design and covered the project's full duration from December 2015 to December 2022
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in selected micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) clusters in India.pdf

Evaluation report on Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in selected micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) clusters in India.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #India   #Project evaluations

Project: 103029
An independent terminal evaluation (TE) of the GEF-UNIDO-BEE Project in India entitled - Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in selected micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) clusters in India - (hereafter, MSME Project or Project) was carried out during the period of June-December 2022. The MSME Project was launched in New Delhi on 1 April 2011 at an Inception Workshop by UNIDO with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) as executing partners. This terminal evaluation covers the Project’s duration from its start on 1 April 2011 until 31 December 2022, which included several no-cost extensions.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Sustainable conversion of waste to clean energy for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction.pdf

Evaluation report on Sustainable conversion of waste to clean energy for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Kenya   #Project evaluations

Project: 120568
The independent terminal evaluation assessed the UNIDO implemented and GEF-supported project entitled - Sustainable conversion of waste to clean energy for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction in Kenya. The main objective of the project is to promote investments in waste to energy (WTE) technologies to increase the electrification rate as well as to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in the country.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Hosting and Managing Private Financing Advisory Network.pdf

Evaluation report on Hosting and Managing Private Financing Advisory Network.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 150346
The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a multilateral public-private partnership that provides project development and pipeline origination services in clean energy; energy-efficiency; and climate adaptation projects. These services are delivered by a network of business advisors recruited globally. \n\nThe purpose of the evaluation was to identify findings and lessons, and propose recommendations based on the progress made by the program so far to enhance PFAN’s operations and articulate strategic opportunities that can be explored to better position PFAN going forward.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on First operational phase of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.pdf

Evaluation report on First operational phase of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #Project evaluations

Project: 140276
This Terminal Evaluation (TE) assesses the project - First Operational Phase of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE). The establishment of the PCREEE under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) platform materialized through a partnership between UNIDO and the Pacific Community (SPC). The First Operational Phase of the PCREEE was initially planned to last for four (4) years (September 2016 – August 2020). However, it was extended for two (2) more years (until the end of December 2022), due to increased funding from Norway to UNIDO during project implementation and the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Agro-technology development for economic growth in South and Central Somalia (2023).pdf

Evaluation report on Agro-technology development for economic growth in South and Central Somalia (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Agro-industry   #Africa   #Somalia   #Project evaluations

Project: 170097
The purpose of the review is to independently assess the performance of the project against the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Criteria (DAC) to help UNIDO improve performance and results and identify potential future opportunities.
Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation report on GHG emissions reductions in targeted industrial sub-sectors through EE and application of solar thermal systems in Malaysia.pdf

Evaluation report on GHG emissions reductions in targeted industrial sub-sectors through EE and application of solar thermal systems in Malaysia.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO – Independent Evaluation Unit

#Energy efficiency   #Asia and the Pacific   #Malaysia   #Project evaluations

Project: 120264
The independent terminal evaluation (TE) assessed the extent to which the project entitled - GHG emissions reductions in targeted industrial sub-sectors through EE and application of solar thermal systems in Malaysia - achieved its objective of “reducing GHG emissions by promoting and demonstrating sector-specific EE improvements and solar thermal technology utilization in industry”. In this context, this TE considered the extent to which the technical assistance of MAEESTA was effective and assessed the likelihood of sustainability of Project results in achieving 6 intended outcomes: i) policy papers and financial incentive schemes established and endorsed by stakeholders; ii) awareness and capacity of equipment vendors, service providers, industry management, plant engineers, and financial institutions in five targeted industrial sub-sectors strengthened and utilized; iii) thermal energy efficiency and solar thermal technology demonstrated and deployed in five targeted industrial sub-sectors; and iv) adequate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place, facilitating smooth and successful project implementation and sound impact.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Promoting integrated biomass and small hydro solutions for productive uses in Cameroon.pdf

Evaluation report on Promoting integrated biomass and small hydro solutions for productive uses in Cameroon.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO – Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Cameroon   #Project evaluations

Project: 120335
The independent terminal evaluation assessed the UNIDO-implemented - in cooperation with MINEE and AER - GEF-funded project entitled - Promoting Integrated Biomass and Small Hydro Solutions for Productive Uses in Cameroon. The overall objective of the project was to reduce GHG emissions through promotion of investments and a market in the scale up and replication of integrated renewable energy solutions for productive uses and industrial applications in Cameroon.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Sustainable cities management initiative for Senegal.pdf

Evaluation report on Sustainable cities management initiative for Senegal.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Renewable energy   #Africa   #Senegal   #Project evaluations

Project: 150270
This is report presents the results of the independent terminal evaluation of the project entitled - Sustainable cities initiative for Senegal: Promoting renewable energy and integrated waste management in sustainable industrial parks. The terminal evaluation (TE) covered the whole duration of the project from its starting date in January 2017 to the estimated completion date in December 2022, later extended to March 2023.\nThe main objective of the project was to provide the technical assistance needed to assist national government bodies in jointly addressing current urban and industrial development challenges by developing a strategy for designing, implementing and managing sustainable industrial parks under an integrated urban planning approach.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Industrial energy efficiency improvement in South Africa.pdf

Evaluation report on Industrial energy efficiency improvement in South Africa.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO – Independent Evaluation Unit

#Energy management systems   #Africa   #South Africa   #Project evaluations

Project: 120487
This report is the final deliverable of an independent terminal evaluation (TE) of the second phase of the Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) Improvement project in South Africa, (SA IEE II) which was implemented from 2015 to 2022.\nThis project built on the success of an earlier project – the GEF funded Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement in South Africa Project, which was jointly executed by UNIDO and the National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC). This earlier project was implemented from 2010 to mid-2016.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Start-up and first operational phase of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE).pdf

Evaluation report on Start-up and first operational phase of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Latin America and the Caribbean   #Project evaluations

Project: 130200
This report presents the results of the independent terminal evaluation of the project - Start-up and first operational phase of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) – A Centre of Excellence to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Industries.\nThe project aimed at supporting the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and its 15 Member States (MS) in the design and establishment of CCREEE, under the umbrella of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC) programme coordinated by UNIDO.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Infographic - Synthesis of UNIDO Independent Evaluation 2018-2022 (2023).pdf

Infographic - Synthesis of UNIDO Independent Evaluation 2018-2022 (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This infographic summarizes the most pertinent findings, conclusions, and areas for improvement of the Synthesis of UNIDO Independent Evaluation 2018-2022, on the basis of 80 project evaluations conducted by EIO in that period.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation Report on Synthesis of UNIDO Independent Evaluations 2018-2022 (2023).pdf

Evaluation Report on Synthesis of UNIDO Independent Evaluations 2018-2022 (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Global   #Strategic evaluations

This report summarizes the most pertinent findings, conclusions, and areas for improvement, on the basis of 80 project evaluations conducted by EIO in 2018-2022. The findings show that performance of evaluated projects on the evaluation criteria of relevance is strong. However, other criteria such as effectiveness, efficiency, likelihood of sustainability, design, monitoring, RBM and gender mainstreaming show room for improvement and need attention. Two areas are underreported in the UNIDO project evaluation reports namely UNIDO’s contribution to the SDGs and UNIDO’s contribution to the digital transformation.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Infographic - Evaluation on the UNIDO Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) framework (2023).pdf

Infographic - Evaluation on the UNIDO Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) framework (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Global   #Strategic evaluations

This infographic summarizes the independent evaluation on the overall Programme for Country Partnership framework of UNIDO and its effectiveness in achieving expected results.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation report on the UNIDO Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) framework (2023).pdf

Evaluation report on the UNIDO Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) framework (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This independent evaluation assessed the overall Programme for Country Partnership framework of UNIDO and its effectiveness in achieving expected results. It also provided inputs for UNIDO management on the PCP framework and its potential as a model for accelerating inclusive and sustainable industrial development in its Member States. The evaluation covered the period from 2014 to 2022 and used standard UNIDO evaluation criteria as well as cross-cutting criteria such as gender equality and social and environmental dimensions to assess the validity and success of the PCP framework.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation report on the Phase 2 of the technical assistance project for the upgrading of the Ethiopian leather (2023).pdf

Evaluation report on the Phase 2 of the technical assistance project for the upgrading of the Ethiopian leather (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Africa   #Ethiopia   #Project evaluations

Project: 150201
The purpose of the evaluation is to independently assess the project “Phase 2 (Extension) of the \nTechnical Assistance Project for the Up-Grading of the Ethiopian Leather and Leather Products \nIndustry” to help UNIDO to improve performance and results of ongoing and future programmes \nand projects.
Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation report on the Renewable Energy (PARE) project (2023).pdf

Evaluation report on the Renewable Energy (PARE) project (2023).pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Sustainable energy   #Renewable energy   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 190106
This document constitutes the final evaluation report of the independent terminal evaluation of the Parliamentary Action on Renewable Energy (PARE) project. The purpose of the evaluation is \nto independently assess the project to help UNIDO improve performance and results of ongoing and future programmes and projects.
Thematic Area: Cross-cutting