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Evaluation reports

Evaluation identity
Evaluation report on UNIDO projects related to Industrial Upgrading (2013).pdf

Evaluation report on UNIDO projects related to Industrial Upgrading (2013).pdf

2013  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This evaluation has three objectives: (1) to develop an assessment framework and a \ngeneric intervention logic covering not only “classical” IU but also interventions \nthat are based on value chains or clusters; \n(2) to assess UNIDO’s IU portfolio focusing on a sample of technical cooperation (TC) projects dealing with firm-level upgrading; and (3) to make recommendations and inputs for further improvements of UNIDO’s IU initiatives.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Country evaluation report South Africa (2012).pdf

Country evaluation report South Africa (2012).pdf

2012  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #South Africa   #Strategic evaluations

This Independent Evaluation report presents an assessment of UNIDO activities in South Africa since the country joined UNIDO in 2000, with particular attention to four projects or project groups (Industrial Energy Efficiency, Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange, Automotive Supplier Development, and Establishment of the National Cleaner Production Centre) that account for approximately 90 % of the total budget and expenditures of UNIDO’s portfolio in the country. The evaluation also addresses the functioning of the UNIDO Regional Office (URO) in Pretoria and its influence in UNIDO activities in the country, the strategic positioning of UNIDO, and its participation in the activities of the UN system in South Africa. The main objective of the evaluation has been to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of UNIDO projects, in order to make recommendations that help improve the design and implementation of UNIDO’s technical cooperation.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Informe de evaluación de país Cuba (2012).pdf

Informe de evaluación de país Cuba (2012).pdf

2012  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Latin America and the Caribbean   #Cuba   #Strategic evaluations

El objetivo principal de la evaluación fue el de identificar las mejores prácticas, áreas por mejorar y las lecciones para aumentar la pertinencia, eficiencia, eficacia, impacto y sostenibilidad de las futuras intervenciones de la ONUDI en Cuba. Ultimadamente se espera que esta evaluación constituya un punto de partida proporcionando puntos clave para el diseño de un programa ulterior para la cooperación de la ONUDI con Cuba.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Country evaluation report Rwanda (2012).pdf

Country evaluation report Rwanda (2012).pdf

2012  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Rwanda   #Strategic evaluations

This independent country evaluation report covers UNIDO’s presence in Rwanda from year 2004 up to end of May 2011. For the most part, the report assesses UNIDO’s current Country Programme (CP) over 2008-2012 and its contribution to Delivering as One UN (DaO) in Rwanda. In the context of preparations for launching the next UNDAF, due in 2013, the evaluation was conducted with a forward-looking approach seeking to identify best practices and lessons to enhance the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of future UNIDO interventions in Rwanda.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Country evaluation report Viet Nam (2012).pdf

Country evaluation report Viet Nam (2012).pdf

2012  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #Viet Nam   #Strategic evaluations

The UNIDO portfolio in Vietnam is very comprehensive. The biggest share is in Business, Investment and Technology (BIT), not the least because of a full-size and longstanding business registration project. This theme is normally not a UNIDO core competence but, through its strong country presence, UNIDO managed to mobilize substantive funding and to be very effective in this area, which is highly relevant to Viet Nam’s current state of development.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Country evaluation report Nigeria (2012).pdf

Country evaluation report Nigeria (2012).pdf

2012  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #Nigeria   #Strategic evaluations

This evaluation is one of four country evaluations conducted by ODG\/EVA in 2011 and covers the entirety of UNIDO’s interventions in Nigeria. UNIDO’s presence in Nigeria includes the Country Programme, traditional technical cooperation (TC) projects, the UNIDO Regional Office, Global Forum (GF) activities and contributions to UN-wide mechanisms. The evaluation was carried out as a forward-looking exercise with the main purpose to feed into a future Country Programme.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting